UncleT's Joke Corner 2.10

Joke Telling Program

The new version of UncleT's Joke Corner have now been published. New version offers over 1800 local jokes to listen.
To UncleT's Joke Corner download page
UncleT's Joke Corner is a freeware program to tell jokes. There is possible to meet Cat Nappi (Button), the king of jokes. Also UncleT is on background if needed.

UncleT's Joke Corner Features:
Talking head's
Text to Speech
Speak two different languages(English and this different (Finnish))
Listen Jokes by Click a button
Tested with several humans and one cat
Planned so that also persons with limited sense of sight can use it easily. Gets Joke by Enter button, Stop Speaking by Enter button
Free for not commercial laughts (Freeware)