BBC News Reader v1.2.3

Find and watch latest BBC News and Newsvideos and Weather easily

News from web to speech!
29.07.2006. New Version of BBC News has been published. Reason: Changes in BBC news Weather pages
To BBCNews download page
BBC News 1.2.3 is a freeware program to read BBC news aloud. It gives a voice and visibility to BBC:s text based news pages. Find easily, see and hear BBC:s great news pages on your PC like TV news or watch latest BBC news and Sport videos. Check 5 days World Weather forecast.

BBC News v.1.2.3 Features:
Talking animated head
Speak English
Fecth News and NewsPictures from Web by Click a button
Navigates and shows the newsvideos in Mediaplayer.
Shows the World 5 days Weather forecast.
BBC News 1.2.3 needs an Internet connection to work.